I would just like to say thank you for the speedy and efficient way my enquiry and delivery of goods was dealt with. I will certainly use your firm again if the need arises Thank you Mrs Barbara Pettinger
I am amazed having placed a few orders with varying other online fishing supply companies yours is the only company that has managed to deliver on time with excellent packaging I am so very impressed and I will certainly be ordering from you...
Placed an order on line wednesday,had calls today from richard and billy giving advice and the items despatched today!! Great service..thanks... Steve.
Hi Just received my Pole Section. Want to say Thank you. Excellent Communication and Service. Pole Section was Well Wrapped for Delivery. Will Recommend your Business. Thanks Once again, Jeff
Hi, I just wanted to congratulate you for your continuing level of customer service. Having been a mail order customer of yours for many years, and I am always delighted by the high level of service you provide. I have an account registered...
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