

  • I am amazed having placed a few orders with varying other online fishing supply companies yours is the only company that has managed to deliver on time with excellent packaging I am so very impressed and I will certainly be ordering from you...

    Rob, n/a
  • Hi Fellas Just want to say thanks for my order of a Daiwa Powermesh Jerkbait rod which arrived this morning. Not the first time I have had good service from you and it won't be my last i'm sure. Many thanks again All the best Gerry

    Gerry, n/a
  • Hi, I just wanted to congratulate you for your continuing level of customer service. Having been a mail order customer of yours for many years, and I am always delighted by the high level of service you provide. I have an account registered...

    R. Whitehead, n/a
  • Rod Just arrived, and I am delighted with it. Excellent all round service and packaging. Thanks, K.F. Hastie.

    K.F. Hastie, n/a
  • This morning I received the Fox Trek Spin Rod which I ordered from you. It arrived in excellent condition, beautifully packed and in good time. Thank you very much indeed for your wonderful service. A friendly website, easy to fill in forms,...

    Roland M.Chipchase, New Zealand