Braided Mainline
Berkley Whiplash Pro Green 300yrd
This new formula has been made even more stronger and durable, thanks to the use of 100% Micro-Dyneema fibres. This has resulted in a hardwearing and smooth casting braid suitable for many applications. Whiplash Pro is an established favourite for...
Daiwa Tournament Tapered Carp Leader
Tournament tapered carp leaders are designed specifically for log distance casting carp anglers. Each leader is 10yds long and tapers halfway along it's length from 30lb (0.45mm) to 12lb (0.30mm). Using a high-impact, shock resistance nylon each leader is incredible...
Fox Submerge Sinking Braided Mainline 300m
Available in dark camo, 25lb/0.16mm & 40lb/0.20mm on 300m or 600m spools
Korda Subline Tapered Leader
Based on the already, best selling, popular Korda Subline, this range has been designed with the long distance anglers in mind. Available as standard tapered leader, or as a one shot spool of tapered mainline (designed for waters were leaders...
PowerPro Braid 150yds - Moss Green
PowerPro Braid 300yds - Moss Green
One of the most popular braids for preadator fishing on the market today, PowerPro is now finding uses in many other fishing disciplines. Manufactured with "Enhanced Body Technology (TM)" PowerPro offers the serious angler a smoother, more abrasion resistant, and...